Video Ads

Brian Wilson

Last Update 6 maanden geleden

Video ads represent a powerful form of digital advertising that utilizes video content to convey promotional messages to a targeted audience. PubPower supports two types of video ads:

Instream Video Ads

In-stream video ads are a type of video advertising format that plays within or during online video content. These ads are typically inserted before, during, or after the main video content, and they can be found on various digital platforms such as streaming services, video-sharing platforms, and publisher websites. In-stream video ads are designed to capture the viewer's attention and convey a marketing message in a visually engaging way.

Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll and Post-Roll

There are three types of linear in-stream ads: pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll. It’s important to note that there are nonlinear in-stream ads, too. These are usually not video ads, but they run within or alongside the video content. For the purposes of this article, we will take an in-depth look at the linear in-stream ad types:

1. Pre-roll video ads:

These ads run before your video content. Before your content plays, viewers are engaged and usually willing to sit through at least part of an ad to see what you have to offer. One study of more than 6,000 people found that only 17% of desktop and mobile viewers found pre-roll video ads to be disruptive to the user experience - much lower than the rates for mid-roll and post-roll.

2. Mid-roll video ads

These ads run in the middle of your content. Some viewers may feel frustrated at the interruption in the video content, but the payoff is a higher average ad completion rate for mid-roll ad placement.

3. Post-roll video ads

Post-roll ads run after the video content is complete. While it may appear counter-productive to place an ad after a video, some users will stick around to complete the impression. Creative transitions into post-roll ads and auto-play strategies can boost post-roll ad engagement.

Outstream Video Ads

Outstream video ads are a type of video advertising format that plays outside of video content. Unlike in-stream video ads, which are inserted within or during other video content, outstream video ads are designed to be standalone units that appear in various contexts, such as within articles, social feeds, or other non-video environments. These ads are commonly used to expand the reach of video advertising beyond traditional video platforms.

Understanding the nuances of these video ad formats can help publishers effectively monetize their content and engage their audience. Whether you choose in-stream or outstream video ads, PubPower provides the necessary support to enhance your advertising strategies and maximize your revenue potential.

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