Invalid Traffic

Brian Wilson

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

Invalid traffic includes any clicks or impressions that may artificially inflate an advertiser's costs or a publisher's earnings. Invalid traffic covers intentionally fraudulent traffic as well as accidental clicks.

Invalid traffic includes, but is not limited to:

  • Clicks or impressions generated by publishers clicking their own live ads
  • Repeated ad clicks or impressions generated by one or more users
  • Publishers encouraging clicks on their ads (examples may include any language encouraging users to click on ads, ad implementations that may cause a high volume of accidental clicks, etc.)
  • Automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software
Clicks on PubPower-generated ads must result from genuine user interest, and any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited by our program policies. If we observe high levels of invalid traffic on your account, we may suspend or disable the account to protect our advertisers and users. Additionally, if we are unable to verify the quality of traffic associated with your account, we may limit or disable ad serving. Due to invalid traffic, you may also notice a difference between your estimated and finalized earnings.

We understand that a third party may generate invalid traffic on your ads without your knowledge or permission. However, it is ultimately your responsibility as the publisher to ensure that the traffic on your ads is valid. 

Here are some tips to help you avoid invalid traffic

  • Understand your ad traffic and site visitors: Break down your traffic reports into meaningful segments using URL channels, custom channels, or ad units. This will help you gauge how changes to traffic sources or implementation can affect your ad traffic. Next, use PubPower Report to get detailed information about your site visitors, and be on the lookout for any suspicious user behavior. Consider questions such as “Where are my users from, either geographically or on the internet?” or “Which pages do they view on my site?” to understand your traffic.
  • Avoid partnering with untrusted/low-quality parties: Some publishers have had issues with invalid traffic when partnering with low-quality ad networks, search engines, or directory sites in efforts to increase traffic to their site. You should learn more about purchasing traffic and review the traffic provider checklist to help guide discussions about partnering with potential providers.
  • Don’t click on your own ads, even if you think it’s okay to do so: Even if you’re interested in an ad or looking for its destination URL, clicking on your own ads is still prohibited. Keep in mind that even when we filter clicks on your own ads, we don't ignore those clicks completely; if it appears that a publisher has been clicking on their own ads to inflate their earnings or an advertiser's costs, we may disable the account to protect our advertisers.

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