Ad Formats

Brian Wilson

Last Update 8 เดือนที่แล้ว

PubPower platforms offer you a tool to sell their ad inventory and leverage ads on your websites, so it is crucial to understand this concept and its variations to maximize your revenue.

Types of ads

1. Banner Ads

Banner advertising is a type of digital advertising through creative ads known as banners. Banners are the creative rectangular ad that are shown along the top, side, or bottom of a website in hopes that it will drive traffic to the advertiser’s proprietary site, generate awareness, and overall brand consideration.

2. Outstream video ads

Outstream video ads are a type of video advertising format that plays outside of a traditional video player. Unlike in-stream video ads, which appear within video content (pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll), outstream video ads are designed to display in various positions on a webpage where video content may not naturally exist.

3. Instream video ads

In-stream video ads are a popular and effective form of online video advertising that appears within or alongside digital video content on various platforms. These ads are strategically placed to reach viewers as they engage with video content, and they can take different forms based on their placement within the video stream.

4. Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that appear between content or during natural transition points, such as when navigating between pages or within mobile apps. These ads cover the entire screen, providing a highly immersive and attention-grabbing experience for users. Interstitial ads are commonly used in various digital environments, including websites, mobile apps, and games.

5. Sticky ads

Sticky ads, also known as sticky banners or fixed position ads, are a type of display advertising format that remains fixed on a webpage as the user scrolls down. Unlike traditional banner ads that may disappear from view as the user navigates through the content, sticky ads "stick" to a specific position on the screen, ensuring continuous visibility. These ads are designed to stay in view as users scroll, providing an extended opportunity for engagement.

6. Reward ads

Reward ads are a type of advertising format commonly used in mobile apps, games, and other digital platforms. These ads offer users a reward, such as in-app currency, extra lives, or other incentives, in exchange for engaging with the advertisement. The goal is to provide a positive and mutually beneficial experience for both users and advertisers.

7. Native ads

Native ads are a type of online advertising that seamlessly blends into the content and design of the platform on which they appear. Unlike traditional display ads, native ads match the form and function of the user experience, making them look and feel like a natural part of the surrounding content. These ads aim to provide a non-disruptive and integrated advertising experience for users.

When combining these ad formats, it is essential to consider your target audience, campaign objectives, and the nature of the website where the ads will be displayed.

If you don't know how to enhance your ads placement, you can contact us for adjusting support. PubPower offer you a professional advertiser team who can improve your website ads and increase your revenue.

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